Monday, June 12, 2006

I like the s; the y gets lonely on the end, all by itself

For the present, I am so tired of thinking about the future. Probly cuz when your covered in tar and under an elephant the future doesnt quite feel so attainable or even worthwhile. I don't remember what it was like to have any energy and I just feel like a bum. If I could get paid to sleep . . . well let's just say I'd leave you all in the dust! Argh, you could build a mountain out of my complaints; ok not really. You could build 400 thousand mountains out of my complaints. O and you could probly power a small city with my whining. I hate being a complainer! But I guess thats just (just! YES!) the way the cookie crumbles in my tar-coated world. Let me not forget to mention the wealth of entertainment that floods my days! Katie, don't forget to mention the wealth . . . Jk, i only talk to myself - typing uses so much extra energy. Today's activities included (and are limited to): 1)the ellen and the divisaurus breaking and entering my room somewhere after nooon to wake me up; 2)watching interactions of the kitchen-dwellers from the safe, upper level; 3) venturing into the kitchen (had to stop and take a breath - or many- after using the stairs) for breakfast at noontime; 4) watching the pond fish devour pellets!; some number) shower; um 9?) nap in lawn chair; 45) nap on living room floor; 4) strange neighbor breaks and enters while the mothership is disappeared; ) i eat more food; ) i eat sunflower seeds and spit shells at my brothers; )i eat more food; )i watcha movie with my family; )i blog. Fun, huh?! And yesterday's activites consisted of . . . well, there is no yesterday because, as a general rule, i forget today by tomorrow. But at least I can remember . . . we shall deal with that one later. And so all i see in my future - the one I'm tired of trying to try not to think about - is a cardboard box . . . full of money cuz I'm the best sleeper who ever slept! I wish i didnt have to wake up from that dream, but somehow i always, um, dream something else.

Look up there ^, a real paragraph with punctuation and everything!

Now for some news about my not daily life: Mt. Carmel's meeting is this weekend! For the past few years I have been gratefully overwhelmed by the awesomeness of our little but hugely impacting annual meetings. It seems that every year my spirit is lifted, and I am blessed witha renewed and repentive heart, and a greater love for the Lord and for His church (my church!). I hope and pray that this year will be no different and that the Lord will continue to draw me and all His children closer to Him. O how I long to be sitting next to my Father in a tar- and elephant -free heaven! I'm so tired of trudging!


Blogger tag said...

Shout out to the cardboard village of biting bums! Watch your step...

12:30 AM  
Blogger tag said...

oh, and, tbitingt

12:32 AM  
Blogger Katie! said...

hahahaha i forgot all about that!

12:49 AM  
Blogger Ma'am Gallahad said...

yep at least in heaven the elephants are too busy lying down with the lions and the lambs and the asps and the wolves to jump on us!

the Annual Meeting is always the best time of the year...i cant wait either...

11:34 AM  
Blogger itshouldbsummer said...

i'm really hoping to be there and that will be fun...

9:51 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

I've given up in a future on this earth as well. It's a frutile efort.

12:32 PM  

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