Thursday, May 04, 2006


That's what i have to say about . . . well . . . my thought train fell off the tracks . . . again. Anyhoo, right now i am completely exhausted but im so tired of sleeping! Tomorrow me and karla are going to the Baltimore Museum af Art so i can do some goofy scavenger hunt for that class which i have so lovingly entitled "dumb". When we get home, actually its before we get home, we r meetin docta coke in B-more for lunch - my supplies are gettin low - then when we get home from the BMA i have to do windshield surveys for at least ten ruddy barns, do my online quiz, get most of my electronic portfolio for glass class done and do at least three of my other 6 projects. Barf. everything is due by . . . um . . .next week! Ahhhhhhh! I might as well start digging my grave. mY family is going down to Bro. Steve's beach house this weekend and i really should go cuz its the only time we'll all get to the beach before dad leaves in June - wow, i just noticed the y in my; i live a pathetic existence - but i have to stay and survey silly barns! I'm hoping that maybe i can finish at least six or seven projects tomorrow and drive to Ocean pines early saturday morning. But thats a pretty tall order. oooo, i really wanna go to the beach. wow there's a really big bug crawling around on the floor right now, its makin a lot of racket . . . if only Ellen were here, i could use a laugh. o my gosh , i almost forgot, today ellen was having a mood swing and laying in the middle of the living room floor and her friends - kayla and Katherine - were up in her room wondering what was wrong with her. I went up there and told them to clean her room. and they did! it was really funny. then them and mom and ellen were all up there and katherine said something about how she was so embarrased this one time when she was about seven bc she farted in front of one of her moms co-workers and dad was wondering y they were all upstairs laughing. and as i was leaving ellen room i told him that katherine farted and katherine heard me and she was so offended. it was hilarious! its one of those things where you have to be there though. . . .if you only knew katherine . . . O it was so funny! by the way, you deserve a medal if you can read this blob-that-wants-to-be-a-paragraph with any comprehension! i have this little problem called lack of concentration that prohibits me from composing actual sentences or making real paragraphs. i like blobs . . . and benadryl. that means no more thought train. um . . bye


Blogger thecolvinator said...

Not to brag but I'm done with classes. Just a few exams the end of next week and that's it. (Ok maybe that was bragging. Sorry.)

12:11 PM  
Blogger Ma'am Gallahad said...

wow can i say see here....uhhh...

THAT WAS MEAN!!!!!!!! lol you rude rudehead

1:34 PM  
Blogger tag said...

Having read that, I'm amused, disgusted, and confused all at the same time. Congratulations.

Also, Colvin can take this cookie...

9:08 PM  

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